Social Activism, Visual Rhetoric & Digital Media Research đŸ“±

Social Activism, Visual Rhetoric & Digital Media Research đŸ“±. There are exciting emergent trends in visual rhetoric (or persuasion) for digital activism in social media video. From social justice hashtagavism like #Ferguson, to corporate leadership with issues of gender and identity such as in Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches” video, or addressing diversity, equity and inclusion HP’s “All-American Family Portraits,” empowerment through social media video is electrifying the globe and impacting and influencing social change. 

Below, I’ve compiled of list resources and readings encapsulating the theoretical framework of social activism, visual rhetoric and digital media storytelling for social justice and social change in social media video for diversity, equity and inclusion. 

Educate yourself, and bring value to your social justice campaign, but don’t go at it alone. Optimize your ability to gain awareness, plan an approach, get access, recruit allies and take action.

Watch, Work with a Social Media Consultant đŸ—Łïž now.


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